Work progress   /   Jan 10th, 2023   /  A+ | a-
If you followed us closely, you already know that all the work on the development of foods, supplements and nutritional services (app, microbiota algorithm) carried out during the last 3 years is being validated through nutritional interventions with adults (in Spain and Germany) and with children (in Greece).

The first intervention to be launched was the Spanish one. This first group of participants, composed of adults without pathologies, was recruited in Oviedo (Spain) and, for 3 months, used the app and some supplements to try to learn how to make better nutritional choices and improve diet and microbiota. It was really exciting to finally meet our volunteers! We held several meetings with the participants at the Congress Centre of Oviedo to introduce them to the project, explain how the app works and the methodology for collecting stool and urine samples that would be used during the process.  The research team was based at the School of Nursing of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Oviedo for periods throughout that time and worked marathon days on this launch, but it was worth it.

In the meantime, the research team started processing the stool samples to send them to the laboratories of partners FISABIO, the University of Granada and the University of Berlin, for análisis. In addition, our colleagues at TECNUN applied their microbiota algorithm. The results helped us to guide the app's recommendations towards modulating their microbiota.

At the end of June 2022, the Spanish nutritional intervention came to an end and it was time to farewell Oviedo. As a final touch, and to thank the city and our volunteers for their support, we organised a series of workshops, open to everyone, called "Chat with our experts", where, in addition to presenting Stance4Health, over the two days, we addressed the main difficulties initially identified by the population:

* Correct food choices, influence of food marketing, designing a balanced menu and new recipe ideas.
* Doubts related to nutritional labelling and the importance of the food matrix.
* The importance of managing emotions linked to food and guidelines on how to manage them.

All of this in an eminently practical way, with real examples of the types of food that generate the most confusion or the most frequent emotions or those that generate the most difficulties (emotional hunger, anxiety, etc.).

After coming back home, another important stage would begin: to start the arduous process of extracting and analysing the information collected, while our #WiseOwl began to prepare for the trip to Greece.

Millions of data are being analysed in order to draw conclusions on a solid basis. However, some users have told us first-hand about their feelings throughout the process and we have already obtained some relevant data about the relationship of Spanish users with the app and we couldn't be more satisfied.

Athens awaited us after the summer break. Its initial test was already underway and, coinciding with the project's annual meeting, we were able to spend a day with some of the families of the participating children. Very intense days are ahead also in Greece, but it will all be worth it if we manage to help improve people's health and wellbeing.

We are looking forward to further progress with the trials and to succesfuly analyse all data, so that we can share these results with you! Don't miss out! Follow us closely, also on social media!
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"This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 816303"
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