Project objectives   /   Jun 22nd, 2020   /  A+ | a-
Discover Stance4Health through its six specific objectives!

In the previous article, we have showcased the first three specific objectives which refer to the mobile application to be designed within our project. If you missed it, you can find it here.
Today’s focus will be on the remaining three objectives which deal with the creation of personalised food and nutritional products, understanding the factors which influence consumer engagement around personalised nutrition, and putting all the new technologies to the test in validation studies.

4. Designing personalised foods and nutritional supplements
Stance4Health researchers will create personalised foods and nutritional supplements which aim to modify the gut microbiota and promote health. The project will create different cereal-based foods with different doses of newly selected tannin extracts. A range of tannin extracts from different sources (e.g. Italian chestnut, Peruvian tata pods, Turkish gallnut and Argentinean quebracho) will be tested for their ability to modify the gut microbiota using laboratory experiments. The selected extract will then be integrated into a cereal product (e.g. biscuit, pasta or cereal bar) and tested in a human intervention trial. In addition to the food products, a nutraceutical called AlcaLip will also be evaluated for its effect on health during the human intervention trial on sports practising adults.

Process for the design and testing of personalised food products

5. Citizens’ engagement
Like all dietary recommendations, personalised advice will only benefit someone if it is followed. Therefore, it is crucial for Stance4Health researchers to consider the different factors that might influence the uptake of personalised dietary advice. To do this they will carry out consumer research using a European wide survey. This research will provide insight into how food preferences, lifestyle and socio-economic status influence healthy eating patterns.

Key questions the consumer research hopes to answer

6. Putting the technologies to the test 
To test the effectiveness of the i-Diet app and personalised foods and supplements, Stance4Health researchers will perform three intervention trials:
  1. In adults (healthy weight and overweight). This trial will be performed in Germany and Spain.
  2. In sport practicing adults. This trial will be performed in Spain.
  3. In children (healthy weight, obesity, coeliac disease and milk allergy). This trial will be performed in Greece.
All participants will provide stool samples at the beginning of each trial to determine their gut microbiota. This data will then be integrated into the i-Diet app and the newly designed algorithm will provide personalised dietary advice to the intervention groups.

Outline of the three validation trials the Stance4Health project will complete

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"This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 816303"
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